Dellecod Algorithm
Today Dellecod is on the stage of creating brand
new product - Dellecod Algorithm
Dellecod Algorithm
Today Dellecod is on the stage of creating brand
new product - Dellecod Algorithm
Brand new product
Brand new product
Today Dellecod is on the stage of creating brand new product - Dellecod Algorithm It hadn't been created yet . We are still working with the prototype which is in the testing stage. Dellecod is developing a product for the mass market. During 2022 and 2023 we will be testing Dellecod Algorithm.In this time frame we will continue development of mathematical models, algorithms and will be testing different development teams. Upon confirmation of the hypothesis about the performance of the Dellecod Algorithm,we will initiate the process of obtaining a license for professional activity and, upon obtaining it, will enter the open market in 2024-2025.

The company's future product consists of theoretical strategies (short-term, medium-term, long-term), mathematical models that calculate tactical actions depending on market conditions, a knowledge base on economic sectors (databases), macroeconomic and sectoral marketing research. These strategies will be sold by subscription and provide a guaranteed income to the end client at a predetermined level. At the same time, clients will conduct all transactions themselves on their brokerage accounts and use strategies only as recommendations.
Today Dellecod is on the stage of creating brand new product - Dellecod Algorithm It hadn't been created yet . We are still working with the prototype which is in the testing stage. Dellecod is developing a product for the mass market. During 2022 and 2023 we will be testing Dellecod Algorithm.In this time frame we will continue development of mathematical models, algorithms and will be testing different development teams. Upon confirmation of the hypothesis about the performance of the Dellecod Algorithm,we will initiate the process of obtaining a license for professional activity and, upon obtaining it, will enter the open market in 2024-2025.

The company's future product consists of theoretical strategies (short-term, medium-term, long-term), mathematical models that calculate tactical actions depending on market conditions, a knowledge base on economic sectors (databases), macroeconomic and sectoral marketing research. These strategies will be sold by subscription and provide a guaranteed income to the end client at a predetermined level. At the same time, clients will conduct all transactions themselves on their brokerage accounts and use strategies only as recommendations.
What we are doing today?
We trade our broker accounts via API, which is connected to our custom-made automated trading system. This system is based on big data analysis and machine learning. This trading process consists of following on-going phases:
Big data preparation
We download raw market data for certain set of futures instruments from CME, NYMEX and ICE exchanges through different sources and prepare it for on-going big data analysis. We structure it according to a certain methodology in order to avoid errors and interference.
Testing trading strategies
We accept various hypotheses about the correlation between various technical indicators that help predict the change in the market price from long to short and vice versa. Each hypothesis or "trading strategy" has about 10-20 parameters and requires extensive big date calculations on a wide range of different timeframes. This is the part of machine learning that helps us determine the best parameters for our new hypothetical trading strategy.
Compilation of successful trading strategies into portfolios
No single trading strategy can be profitable every month or quarter. But we create portfolios of different strategies and low-correlation futures instruments and put certain "weights" for each strategy in order to build a smooth profit growth curve with smaller drawdowns. This is also done through a machine learning approach and methodology.
Execution of strategy portfolios
This stage is an automated trading system that executes these predefined strategy portfolios and can track and trade many brokerage accounts across multiple platforms at the same time. It is complex software with many specific redundancy features.
Continuous analysis of the success of the portfolio of strategies
There are automated algorithms, as well as manual expert analysis, to identify those specific strategies that suddenly went beyond the KPI of the target market's profitability.